First Day Of Winter!

December 21st....The first day of winter.

Here, our grass is green and the temperature is going to be above zero here leading up to Christmas..... Winter who?

I really do enjoy winter....the crisp air, the fluffy snow, the brilliant blue sky when the sun shines.....

There's something about bundling up in cozy coats, fuzzy scarves, hats & mitts and setting off in the snow, breaking fresh tracks and enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer. 

There won't be a lot of writing in this post, but just photos to illustrate why I truly do enjoy Winter in all her beauty!

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A World Where There Are Octobers...

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L.M Montgomery (a wonderful Canadian author) says it the best; 

  • "I'm so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers."

Those words couldn't be more truthful.

To live in a world where we get to watch the leaves turn colour, the evenings have a chill in the air, the birds fly south, crops are harvested from farmer's fields, pumpkins and gourds are staples in decor, boots and scarves become a wardrobe staple...the list could go on and on about all of the wonderful things that come along with the month of October....with the Fall season.

Fall is my favourite time of year for a multitude of reasons (most of which are noted above), but also because I see it as a season of a fresh start and new beginnings. You may say or ask why I see it as this as Fall is a season of the end of a life cycle for so many things. Yes, the trees lose their leaves, we get the last bit of bounty from the garden/fields....but, through this end of life comes inspiration and a culmination of what the Spring and Summer has produced. It may be the end for somethings, but with every ending comes the chance for a new beginning.

We change our flip flops for rubber boots, summer flowers for grasses, summer fruit for pumpkins and squash, cold beer for warm apple cider, shorts for jeans, t-shirts for sweaters, corals for burnt orange....the list goes on and on. 

As I sit out on the back deck wrapped in a cozy blanket rather than on a towel, I welcome the chill in the air, I watch the squirrels and chipmunks rushing around as they put away the walnuts for the winter, I look up at the tree canopy that is now almost void of leaves...... We're in a transition....a transition to new beginnings....

The more I look around me and take it all in, the more I sure am glad to live in a world with Octobers!


Tea & Warm Socks

This chilly weather has had me curled up with a pile of blankets in my cozy socks and consuming what feels like gallons of hot bevies. 

I'm a coffee gal most days, but I also enjoy a good cup of tea! My Mom had gotten me these gorgeous gold lip print tea cups earlier in 2013 and I fell in love with them! 

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Then, to my absolute and oh so very happy surprise.....this was wrapped up for me under the Christmas tree!

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THE perfect vintage tea pot!!!

My jaw dropped and I practically squealed in delight!! Mom had mentioned that she had been looking high and low for one to go with the cups and she had found this one at a local fundraiser.....The stars definitely aligned!

I settled in on New Years day to enjoy a few cups and start my planning for 2014! (I even had a chocolate...or 2)

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It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon and I absolutely LOVE how these individual pieces come together so well!

This was also under the Christmas tree...I'm a very lucky gal!


Cheers to tea and warm socks!
