Your journey...

We're all going in a thousand different directions during the Holiday Season, however, this year added an extra bit of hecticness....but a kind of 'hectic' that I am so very lucky and grateful to experience and have in my life! I don't 'sit still' very well and I can't say too much now, but what I can say is that I am REALLLLLY looking forward to 2014! Don't get me wrong...2013 has been a wonderful year full of many great opportunities, moments and memories which I am very thankful for...but I know 2014 is going to ROCK! The journey of my life is hitting it's stride and I'm so very excited to see where the road takes me.....

Live you life for YOU...not for anyone else!

It is always okay to be YOU!

Always keep learning, set goals and reach for your dreams!

Feel good in your own skin.....

You own your life...take complete ownership of it!

Surround yourself with LOTS of good, great, amazing things....


As we're getting closer to the end of the year and the beginning of a new one....take a few moments in this holiday craziness to remain focused on YOU...where you have been, where you are and where you want to be!


What a week :)

This has been an absolutely fantastic week! It was extremely productive both personally and professionally! This Kate Spade poster best summarizes how I am feeling today:

I have been working on my "To Do" list for both short term and long term goals. I will completely admit...some of my long term goals/dreams are 'scarey'...but for all the right reasons! They will challenge me...keep moving me forward..and I know that when I achieve them (not if) I will be able to look back on all the hard work that went into them and be proud!

I know that something like 'travelling more' may seem like a bit of a strange goal to some people....but it is a goal/dream of mine! I have truly caught the 'travel bug' the past few years as I have the memories made during the trips I have taken, far out weigh any material item I could purchase. There are so many places I want to see in this world..and, I will!

I have printed this last image and placed it in my day book! If you follow these productive, always continue to learn, live with purpose and always continue to grow as a person...I really do believe you will live the fullest life you can!

I hope you all had a great week and that your goals/dreams remain on track to realization!


**images from Pinterest