I have been in meetings the past two days, surrounded by my amazing group of co-workers, reviewing complex case/files. In review of these files, we kept coming back to the same conclusion....
Ownership+Accountability = Success
With each of our cases/files, each individual has set goals, there are SMART plans in place and practitioners to monitor and offer support/guidance...but without each individual taking ownership of these plans, their treatment..their life....there is no accountability and without accountability, the odds of success are very, very low.
Being accountable for your actions and or your lack of actions can be quite difficult, but one must 'step up', take ownership of them self and take each individual step forward towards success.
Taking that first step towards any new goal and implementing your plan is the scariest part....perhaps even harder then picking up that pen and beginning the plan to reach that goal in the first place. So many thoughts rush through your mind...."what of I can't do this"... "what if something goes wrong"...
When those thoughts cross your mind, always refer to your SMART plan....review the specific steps you have outlined in order to reach your goal...look at your timelines. If you think something needs to be tweaked...tweak it...working towards a goal is a fluid process and there is always very likely going to need to be re-adjustments along the way. This is also where accountability come in....you need to be able to admit to yourself that things may be 'falling off track', re-establish ownership and get back on track to that goal.
I have many personal goals, professional goals...some are 'in progress', some are still 'in the works' or planning stages, and some I have yet to even begin to plan...but I still keep them in mind....keep them in focus. Life is never 'static'...seconds fly by...hours, days and years. Make sure you make use of every second you can....agree to take ownserhip of your life and live exactly the life you have always dreamt you could.
Whether it is a New Year's Resolution to 'get healthy' or the next room in your plan for home renovations...whatever you feel are the highest priority goals in your life....be sure you have a plan...a SMART Plan in place. You deserve to achieve these goals. There will be days of forging forward and days of standing still......but one thing you can never forget is the following,.. from one of movies all time greatest motivators.....
Yes...I am a HUGE Yoda fan.....and those 8 little words are so very, very powerful.......